Spirit Animals

Here you can adopt a spirit animal just like Annie's panther. You can have a black panther (like Annie's) or choose from other animals. I will take requests for other animals and I will keep making more. But you need to link back to me!

   Ok in social studies were studying Indians and how they have spirit animals. They gave us a list of what each animal represents so here's what each animal means, so you can pick what animal you want as a spirit guide!

Alligator:  aggressive, survival, adaptability 

Ant: team player, worker

Armadillo: active, nocturnal, protection

Bat: guardian of the night, cleaner

Bear: power, adaptability

Bear Paw: strength, mobility

Beaver: builder, gather

Buffalo: sacredness, life builder

Butterfly: metamorphosis, carefree, transformer

Cougar: leadership, courage

Coyote: prankster, insight, playful

Crane: solitude, independence

Deer: love, kindness, gentleness

Dolphin: kindness, play, bridge man to the ocean

Dragonfly: flighty, carefree

Eagle: divine spirit, connection to creator

Elk: strength, agility, freedom

Fox: cunning, provider, intelligence

Frog: connection with water elements

Goose: faithful, communicative, traveler

Grizzly Bear:  hunter, nature's pharmacist

Hawk: messenger, stopper of time

Horse: stamina, mobility, strength

Hummingbird: messenger, stopper of time

Lizard: conservation, agility

Loon: solitude, song, romance

Moose: headstrong, unstoppable, longevity

Mouse: timid, secretive, sneaky

Otter: laughter, curiosity, truth, patience

Owl: wisdom, perseverance

Pheasant: confidence, attraction, perseverance

Quail: sacred spiral, ceremonial, holy

Rabbit: alertness, resourceful

Raccoon: bandit, shy, determination

Ram: new beginning, teacher

Raven: trickster, mischievous

Road Runner: speed, agility, clever

Seahorse: confidence, grace

Shark: hunter, survival

Skunk: wary, intense

Snake: shrewdness, transformation

Spider: creative, pattern of life