
Would you like to help me out on creating a BIGGER and BETTER webpage? Well now you can signup for jobs. No you don't get paid, but you DO get credit for your work and will be added to the 'Thank You' section. If you don't want a job but do want to help out you can check out the 'Help Out' section to find little ways to help me! (ANYTHING is appreciated.) You can quit your job at ANY time or switch jobs, you can even chose NOT to do an assignment if you don't enough time or don't want to. And the person who helps the most could win 'The Most Helpful Person' award. Below are some jobs that you can sign up for. I can either give you an assignment by mail or post it here or both. So you can pick a job you want and fill out the application at the bottom! Thanx for reading!


          A Link Person

  Are you good at finding cool links on the net? Or know a few good links? Well this could be a perfect job for you. I'll give you a topic and you can go find a link or a couple links with good information on that topic. 

       An Episode Expert

Have you seen most of the SW episodes? Well you can write short summaries of any episode you want. You don't really get an assignment for this you just send in episode summaries.

      Paranormal Investigator

Are you like Fi? Do you want to investigate the paranormal? Well you can send me info or links with info about the paranormal! This will be put in the paranormal section. You can even write about your own experiences with the paranormal! I'll usually give you a topic or you can pick one. If I give you one the topic with most likely come off of So Weird.

      Anything Person

You can just wait around until I need something done. You might need to find a link, do research, get a picture or find something out. If a quiz master gives me a question but no answer you might want to find the answer.

      Quiz and Poll Master

Your job is to think of good poll questions and find quiz questions (with answers). Your credit will be placed with the poll or by the question on the quiz! You most likely won't have an assignment. 

    Quotes Person

You can find quotes from SW. You may only have assignments sometimes.

For all the people signed up this is what you'll get:

*~* Your name in the Thank You section.

*~* Your name by your work.

*~* A password to a section with FREE pictures and lots of cool stuff. (That's where your assignment will be.)

*~* An option for the award 'Most Helpful Person'.

*~* If you have a website your link will be automatically be put up.

*~* A bigger and better So Weird Webpage to enjoy!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Please e-mail me your name, job you want and comments! I'll send you the password and stuff to get to the Assignment Page with FREE pictures and fun stuff!



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